
9 månader på eurasiska kontinentens ostkant. 9 months on the Eastern side of the continent.


Publicerad 2012-07-05 12:44:55 i Allmänt

Finding time to write when constantly on the go is hard, but right now I have some spare time in my hostel. I actually wrote a post some days ago, but )/"&(/&#(¤%#/&%¤/# blogg.se logged me out automatically for writing for too long, meaning that my post vanished.
The final days in Shanghai and the trip onwards, beginning 17th of June.
Olivia is jealous of my vegetarian burger at Helen's in Hongkou district, Shanghai.
School trip to Baosteel factory to the north of Shanghai!
Inside the UFO atop Radisson Blu at People's Square. For once they had alcohol-free drinks not only soft drinks or water.
Mat på midsommar! Sällan haver knäckebröd smakat så gott! Sill var däremot lika äckligt som förut.
Our four teachers enjoying some Swedish midsummer food.
After the dinner, it was time to go out to Bar Rouge, a nightclub on top of a building on the Bund. They had a Sweden night with Swedish music!!! The most amazing night out ever. The picture is from the terrace: jumping around to Euphoria and Dancing Queen with this in the background was a true experience!
3 timmar sömn senare voro vi pigga och glada på tunnelbanan på väg mot järnvägsstationen! The train trip from Shanghai Hongqiao with the D320, departing 10.23 costing 245 yuan, to Qufu East took 5 hours and 3 minutes. Qufu East station is located in the middle of nowhere: taking a taxi to the city centre seems necessary. Getting the drivers to use the taxametres was impossible: 30 yuan for the trip between the city and the station was the cheapest offer we could get.
Enjoying some 火锅, hot pot, for the first time!
Ouliwei paying her respects to the Great Sage 孔子, Confucius, in front of the gate to his grave. The three Kongs, Confucius-related sights (孔庙, Confucius temple, 孔府, Confucius home, 孔林, Confucius family grave forest), in Qufu cost 150 yuan for a combined ticket (190 yuan if buying them separately). The sights were however heavily commercialised: I would perhaps not pay that amount again to see the sights. As the city of Qufu is really small and contains nothing else to see or do except the Confucius sights, it can easily be skipped from the travel itinerary through China, unless being a huge admirer of Confucius. 孔林, the forest with the graves, was in my opinion the most pleasurable sight of the three Kongs.
Here he rests, Confucius.
Sittandes i en mikroskopiskt liten mopedtaxi från Konfucius-skogen tillbaka till hotellet.
Xu xiaojie found an unexpected extra source of protein in her hamburger at McDonald's in Tai'an: a fly. The trip from Qufu East to Tai'an with G148, leaving 18.23 and costing 30 yuan, took some 20 minutes. At Tai'an station we once again had the problem that the station was located FAR away from the city, but Tai'an being a bigger city, there were some buses to choose between. Bus number 18, costing 2 yuan, takes you to the old railway station (where the slower trains still stop) in the city centre.


Postat av: O

Publicerad 2012-07-05 14:50:08

Äntligen update! Och snygga bilder! Särskilt sovbilden är charmig!

Postat av: Camilla

Publicerad 2012-07-05 20:51:20

Jag var bara där en weekend med Britta, eftersom hon jobbade nästa vecka kunde vi inte vara längre. Träffade ingen av katalanerna (som vi umgicks med ;)) och har tyvärr ingen som helst kontakt med någon av dem. Funderade på att smsa Paula men sedan rann tiden iväg och jag glömde helt enkelt det :D

Postat av: AX

Publicerad 2012-07-06 17:21:27

men toniii, haha, sovbild med dubbelhaka, vad pinsamt! >_<
hoppas ni har det bra i SK, jag har allt jag behöver iaf (kolla bloggen)! =)

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