I am still very ill, but the illness is currently not as painful as before. The antibiotics do not seem to work, as I am as deaf as before. Tomorrow I will run out of medicine: paying 1 000 kr to visit the doctor again does not feel particularly tempting. On the bright side: this is the Eurovision Song Contest week, which means that Wednesday, Friday and Sunday mornings will be very early.
Some more pictures from the second week in China.
Första skoldagen och färska skolböcker får vem som helst att le!
School began instantly with the blackboard being filled with hanzi. 马老师, one of our two teachers.
Degknyten i korianderbuljong. Koriander tillsätts i allt. Här hade vi emellertid inte ledsnat än på koriandern så värst.
Varför åka till Japan och titta på vårblommande träd när detta kan göras i Shanghai?
Some money. During 3 days we had to spend some 45 000 kr in cash to get our flat. As the most valuable banknote in China is worth merely 110 kr it meant many trips to the automatic teller machines and thick wallets. Now all is gone...
Crazy clothes shopping street, Qipu lu. Shopping centre after shopping centre with several floors of clothes, people dragging carts filled with clothes they bought.
Uppklädda och redo för utgång! Som märks umgingos vi endast med varandra i början av vår vistelse.
Dancing Chinese dances (with Chinese) in Luxun Park on a Sunday. Very fun, but difficult.
Xu 小姐 blev utom sig av glädje över att få börja motionera igen: leendet på hennes ansikte var som fastklistrat medan hon svettades i utegymmets maskiner.
Some more pictures from the second week in China.
Första skoldagen och färska skolböcker får vem som helst att le!
School began instantly with the blackboard being filled with hanzi. 马老师, one of our two teachers.
Degknyten i korianderbuljong. Koriander tillsätts i allt. Här hade vi emellertid inte ledsnat än på koriandern så värst.
Varför åka till Japan och titta på vårblommande träd när detta kan göras i Shanghai?
Some money. During 3 days we had to spend some 45 000 kr in cash to get our flat. As the most valuable banknote in China is worth merely 110 kr it meant many trips to the automatic teller machines and thick wallets. Now all is gone...
Crazy clothes shopping street, Qipu lu. Shopping centre after shopping centre with several floors of clothes, people dragging carts filled with clothes they bought.
Uppklädda och redo för utgång! Som märks umgingos vi endast med varandra i början av vår vistelse.
Dancing Chinese dances (with Chinese) in Luxun Park on a Sunday. Very fun, but difficult.
Xu 小姐 blev utom sig av glädje över att få börja motionera igen: leendet på hennes ansikte var som fastklistrat medan hon svettades i utegymmets maskiner.